M.O.M Tribe

The journey of motherhood is a beautiful and complex part of life. Building in balance and practices that keep you mentally and spiritually whole can take work. It takes a village to raise a child, but it takes a community to support a mom. In nurturing moms we strive to be an uplifting force in your circle, ensuring that with each new phase of motherhood, you conquer challenges and celebrate victories, confident in the knowledge that you are seen and supported.

Maternal Mental Health Coaching

Maternal Mental Health Coaching: Maternal mental health coaching serves a significant role in the prenatal and postpartum stages. It offers a support system and helps mothers cope with the psychological and emotional changes that come with motherhood


What to Expect:

  1. Initial Consultation (1-2 hours): We’ll discuss your needs, expectations, and goals.
  2. Personalized Action Plan:We’ll create a tailored plan to manage stress, build confidence, and improve overall mental well-being.
  3. Regular Sessions (weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly): These sessions can be over the phone or via video call, depending on your preference.
  4. Progress Evaluation: Regular check-ins to assess progress, make necessary adjustments, and celebrate victories.
  5. Confidentiality: All sessions are confidential, providing a safe and trusted environment for mothers to share their experiences.

Growth-focused outcomes for moms in all stages of motherhood:

  1. Resilience: Moms become more resilient in handling the challenges of motherhood.
  2. Emotional Stability: Improved emotional health leading to better relationships with the baby and others.
  3. Self-confidence: Increased trust in their abilities as a mother.
  4. Stress Management: Better techniques to manage stress, resulting in improved physical health.
  5. Empowerment: Moms feel empowered, gaining a sense of control over their lives.

Our Nurturing Mom’s workshops are a part of M.O.M. Tribe built around three essential pillars:

  1. Measure Your Moments: The first pillar emphasizes the importance of being present in every moment. This pillar reinforces the idea that a mother’s presence is a priceless gift to her family. It teaches mothers to measure their moments and make the most out of them.

  2. Understanding Mental Health: This pillar revolves around educating mothers about mental health, with a particular focus on conditions that are common among moms, like postpartum depression, anxiety and PTSD. Understanding these conditions can help mothers identify signs and symptoms, enabling them to seek help promptly. By educating mothers about mental health, this pillar aims to eliminate the stigma associated with mental health issues and empower moms to take charge of their health.

  3. Self-care Strategies: The third pillar of the workshops teaches mothers the importance of self-care. It provides practical strategies for maintaining a balanced lifestyle. By prioritizing self-care, mothers can better cope with the stresses of motherhood and improve their overall well-being.

In addition to these three pillars, the workshops also focus on building a support network, fostering a positive mindset, and preparing for crisis situations to navigate motherhood and maintain mental health