Build Your BRIDGE

1 Timothy 4: 15-16 “ Practice these things, immerse yourself in them, so that all may see your progress. Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers.”

I had a proud mom moment this past week. Last week marked the official end of my son’s first year of high school and the end of my daughter’s seventh-grade year. This school year was full of firsts and new mom events that challenged me to grow in ways that I could feel and notice the impact of in real time. Having two teenagers feels a bit surreal at times, but confirms all the hopes I’ve held for both my children. Listening to them articulate their intentions and hopes for themselves always brings joy to my heart and reminds me that they aren’t babies anymore.

With each new conversation and parental milestone that passes, I find myself in a state of awe, not only with how life is progressing and evolving but also in how much of who my children are they’ve always been. I cherish each time I get to see glimpses of who they are becoming along with the reminders of the essence that remains and makes them who they are. Parenting my own children makes me even more aware of myself and my evolution in becoming the person they know as mom. There are pieces and parts of me that hold the essence of who I have always been. Those are the parts of me that I treasure with a sense of nostalgia. My likes, dislikes, and the character traits that have become synonymous with how I show up for myself and with others. And then, there are the new parts of me. The pieces of myself that have had to be nurtured to life through experiences (good and bad) and the intersections of myself as a wife, mom, daughter, sibling, and friend.

In this new season of teenage-dom, I am learning daily. Each lesson carries with it an opportunity for me to bridge where I am with where I need to be. It is inevitable that I’m going to have to make edits so that I can adapt to meet the seasons and moments in which I find myself as a woman, wife, mom, and all other parts of my identity. Learning to acknowledge and accept that honoring myself means giving intentional time and effort to bridge who I am with who I am becoming frees up space for me to find value in the newness, as well as appreciate the most centric and enduring parts of who I am.

Parts of our nature were meant to remain with us; the thread that ties us to the truest essence of who we are. But there are other parts of who we become that enhance and elevate our most intrinsic selves that we have to acquire and nurture along the journey of our lives. These are the parts we only get through lived experiences and bridging our now with who we become as we yield to self-evolution. Building a bridge requires acknowledgment and acceptance. With each role and intersection of ourselves, the opportunity to BRIDGE is a blessing if we allow it to be.

The BRIDGE process isn’t easy, but it is an effective way to honor the parts of ourselves that reflect who we are and who we are becoming as we walk our path. 1 Timothy 4 encourages us to practice and immerse ourselves in the actions and use of energy and resources that reflect our progress. We’re also reminded to keep a close watch over ourselves; we do this by recognizing who we are in each moment and honoring who we’re becoming by nurturing the newness of ourselves as we evolve and grow without diminishing or losing the essence of who we’ve always been. We can’t take for granted or make useless our lived experiences and knowledge that help us to fully see and be our most authentic self. Bridging will look different for each of us but involves our choice to:

B – Build Boundaries

Building boundaries is crucial in personal growth as it helps us protect our emotional and spiritual well-being. By setting healthy limits on how we engage and what we accept, we can focus on our own growth and development, which in turn allows us to evolve and practicing bridging where we are with where we want to be as the best version of ourselves. Proverbs 4:23 reminds us of the importance of guarding our hearts, which is the foundation of our values and beliefs. Establishing boundaries helps us maintain a strong connection with our true selves and reinforces our identity.

R – Reflect on Self-Compassion

Self-compassion is an important aspect of personal growth, as it encourages us to be kind and understanding towards ourselves, especially during difficult times. When we are compassionate with ourselves we free space for the growth process to take place without guilt, shame or condemnation. 1 Peter 3:8 teaches us to be compassionate and humble, which in turn helps us to accept our imperfections and embrace our unique journey. By practicing self-compassion, we can cultivate a more positive self-image and develop the resilience needed to overcome challenges and grow.

I – Identify Emotions

Recognizing and understanding our emotions is essential for personal growth. Psalm 42:11 encourages us to question our emotions and accept the grace that comes from the Living God to see ourselves as He sees us; as worthy, deserving and capable, which can help us to better comprehend the roots of our feelings and navigate emotional challenges. Identifying emotions allows us to take control of our reactions, make better decisions, and develop emotional intelligence, all of which are crucial for personal growth and becoming the best version of ourselves.

D – Disconnect from Stressors

Disconnecting from stressors is vital in personal growth, as it allows us to recharge and regain perspective. Psalm 46:10 reminds us to be still and focus on the ways in which the presence of the Living God is showing up for us through our lived experiences, giving us the opportunity to find inner peace and clarity. By detaching from stressors, we can better manage stress and develop coping strategies, which ultimately contribute to our overall well-being and personal growth.

G – Ground Yourself in the Present

Focusing on the present moment is essential for personal growth, as it helps us to appreciate the journey and develop a deeper understanding of ourselves. Matthew 6:34 gives us valuable insights about how not to worry about the future and to live in the present. Grounding ourselves in the present enables us to fully engage in our experiences, develop gratitude, and cultivate a growth mindset.

E – Engage in Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a powerful tool for personal growth, as it encourages us to be fully present and aware of our thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Psalm 37:7 instructs us to be still before the Lord and practice patience. Engaging in mindfulness allows us to gain insight into our inner selves, develop self-awareness, and cultivate a deeper connection with God. This leads to a more balanced and fulfilling life, helping us become the best version of ourselves.

May what you read, all you recognize and what you come to understand bless you as you work to bridge who you are now with who you become as you evolve.

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