Grace Space

Growing up I hated clothes shopping. There were so many rules and so few options which left a lot to be desired. One of the things I absolutely hated was having to get clothes a size bigger than I actually was. Being a petite child naturally, it never felt right to have clothes that drooped slightly or hung a little oddly, or even having to have my jeans hemmed or taken in at the waist, it was always so weird! Whenever I’d ask my mom why all the extra when it came to shopping and wearing clothes she’d say it was because she wanted to make sure there was room to grow into the clothes. When I became a mom, my understanding connected as my own children grew in and out of clothes at a speed that challenged our budget and forced me to make my own rules. I looked for budget-friendly ways to shop for and ensure upkeep to make clothes last longer for my own children. But more than that, it became an understanding I carried for myself; as an ever evolving person I needed to leave room for myself to grow.

Leaving room to grow is a concept that most of us struggle with, but it is key for our own mental health and spiritual health. The truth is, in the midst of a challenging situation or a season of change our ability to see ourselves objectively is difficult to have and maintain. Especially when we are trying to meet the demands of the moment and not fall into the space of becoming overwhelmed. Giving ourselves grace to see where we are making strides, living out our values and even recognizing our growth isn’t always a priority. Grace is: the extension of patience, consideration and distance in a situation or with a person so that what needs to be seen, heard or known is made manifest. 

Grace is essential for growth. The Living God designed our lives with grace in mind and reminds us daily that not only is His grace sufficient to meet us where we are on our path (2 Corinthians 12:9), but that He gives us more grace (James 4:6) and only desires our humility in the form of honesty and transparency in return. When we recognize that each day we have the opportunity to receive grace we open our lives up to have the patience, consideration and distance to be objective and see ourselves as the Living God of love and light sees us. How you see yourself is a part of building our mental health and empowers us to feed our spirit and give ourselves the goodness we know we need to grow. 

Grace is a gift. The grace God gives is extended to us as part of an exchange, accepting God’s grace gives us the opportunity to give up the thoughts, feelings and obligations that restrict our understanding of the beauty of our purpose and the wonderful gifts, talents and parts of who we are that make us His masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10). To fully access and accept this understanding we must be honest and transparent to acknowledge where we need to grow, where we struggle and what we are holding on to that we need to exchange. Our honesty is instrumental in being self aware. Self awareness is an important part of our mental health and spiritual health because it keeps us focused on what we need to do to walk in purpose and power. Becoming and choosing to be more self aware is an important part of seeing and hearing from the Lord God. 

Grace is a process. On the journey of our path we only progress when we put in the work to move forward. Progress requires that we get real about where we are, what we need, where we’re going, and where we want to be. This is why the Living God of promise says that His grace is sufficient and His strength is made perfect in our weakness. Being vulnerable with the Lord God about where you need His presence to show up for you, and where you need His strength to equip you to overcome where you struggle is important in freeing up the space for grace. Grace being extended is only part of the process, the other part of the process is being patient with ourselves to recognize what we must let go of and where we need to let go of limiting thoughts and beliefs about ourselves; considerate about giving ourselves what we need and setting boundaries to honor ourselves; working to put distance between who we are today and the better version of who are made to be tomorrow even if it’s just a step. Every move forward matters and progress powers purpose! 

Today make it a point to extend patience, consideration and distance with yourself so that what needs to be seen, heard or known is made manifest. Remember grace is essential for growth, grace is a gift you’ve been given and grace is a process. Take the time today to leave space for grace with yourself. 

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