Endless Possibilities

There’s a difference between what’s possible and what’s probable. In college I had to take statistics. I thought it was going to be one of the hardest classes and was certain I’d fail. I never considered myself a “math” person and my experiences with high school physics was always a lingering reminder. The first B I got on a quiz in statistics I thought was a fluke, the second was a shock and by the end of the year I was not only more confident in my math skills, but I was also more confident that I’d made the right choice in moving to North Texas and pursuing a degree. 

My newfound confidence didn’t come easy I had to take action and remain focused. I had to attend tutoring in the math lab and study groups, and the more progress I saw the more determined I was to prove to myself that I knew and understood math. Each graded assignment and test moved me closer to recognizing the power and ability I had. It wasn’t that the tutoring or study group was equipping me with a piece of myself that never existed, but it was helping me to understand myself; how I learn best, how to refine my perspective and even how to condense concepts into my own words. 

There’s a difference between what’s possible and what’s probable“Everything is possible to the one who believes “(Mark 9:23). Possibility is a matter of fact; what you believe you can do or what you decide you can’t do is true. Probability is a matter of choice, based purely on emotion and environment and tends to change.  How often do we limit our perspective and potential because we only consider probability and remain inactive instead of focusing on what’s possible and being actionable, because we don’t even give ourselves the chance? Each of us are capable of exceedingly and abundantly beyond what we even understand (Ephesians 3:20). When we fix our minds to believe what’s possible rather than what’s probable, we give ourselves the opportunity to live out the words of the Living God, so that we can operate in the power of our purpose without limitation. 

What does it take for possibility to become our view and perspective? Moving past thinking in probabilities can be a challenge. To see in possibility requires finding light, a point that stimulates awareness that makes things visible. Your light could be a dream, a goal, an inspiration or anything that moves you in the direction of building and blessing around you. Once you have your light you must make it a point to use your energy in a directed and focused way to bring into existence what you envision. The fruit you bear in life is a direct result of how you direct your energy (thoughts, words and actions) towards what you desire to cultivate. The Living God reminds us of this on multiple occasions. We are instructed that death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit (Proverbs 18:22). When you find a light, you must direct your energy towards being an outward representation of the internal power you’ve been given by the Living God, this means ensuring your thoughts, words and actions align with the possibility you’ve set your mind on. Keeping your eyes fixed on your possibility means being steadfast and sowing into your success by giving yourself what you need. Attending a class, learning a new skill, joining a group, having an accountability partner or creating a time management plan are all ways to sow into your success and are key to moving past thinking in probabilities to living in possibilities. 

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