Think Light, Be Light

Have you ever had a thought that stays on repeat in your mind? A thought that takes up so much space in your head that it starts to change how you feel? The mind is a powerful tool. With it we can create and shape our understanding of the world around us, and even define for ourselves what we believe is possible. What you think and how you think it matter, and not just because it’s a new movement to be mindful, but because whatever your mind is full of becomes how you respond through action, and your actions become your habits and over time your habits become your nature. 
We’ve heard the quote, “I think therefore I am,”  the Lord God’s word explains this fully. In Proverbs 23:7 we are told, as we think in our heart we are. Our heart and mind are so inexplicably connected. Whatever our minds are full of will either bless us or bind us. One valuable lesson I’ve learned is that where your mind goes your spirit follows. This is true for our thought life, but it also pours over into how we respond in our daily lives. Interactions and exchanges with people reveal how we think and what we are holding in our minds and hearts, this affects how you see yourself and others and becomes the basis for how you respond. 
Controlling our thought life can be a challenge. For a long time, I allowed lingering thoughts to fester. Whenever I’d have an encounter or situation with someone I would let all the things I should have said or done play on repeat in mind. It would become so intense that I was back in the moment, my body would feel all the same feels and it would take me a while to come out of the flurry of emotions. Sometimes, it could even change my mood for the rest of the day, because I’d leave the moment feeling like I let myself down by not saying or doing things differently. Those feelings used to be hard to shake. 
Have you ever been there? Where the thoughts you’re holding are so nagging and leave you having to grapple with feelings you didn’t expect, or intend?
Phillipians 4:8 tells us that the only way to combat and control the power of our minds is by what we choose to think. When we think about the things that are: true, honorable, just,  pure; lovely, commendable, excellent and worthy of praise we free our minds from the burdening feelings and emotions that can fuel actions, habits and nature, so that what remains are the thoughts of what builds and blesses us. 
This requires constantly redirecting where our minds and thoughts go. What does that mean, what does it look like? Thinking light and being light is how we redirect our minds. I used to struggle with people using words to diminish and belittle. It didn’t matter if it was directed toward me or people around me; when I was in a situation where words were being used to diminish I’d tend to feel an overwhelming urge to respond with urgency and intensity. My response was to prevent from dealing with lingering feelings of disappointment afterward. Over time I began to let the Lord God work in me with overcoming feelings of disappointment, so that I could think light and be light, and so that my countenance reflected the goodness I knew I deserved and could share. I learned that I had to let go of holding on to thoughts that wanted to take up space in my mind to steal my peace or cloud my vision. 
That’s when the Lord God of Peace and Light taught me to use my words to align with what was true about the situation, worthy of my time and energy, just so that I didn’t have lingering emotions or doubts, and could leave the moment with what would bless me. I had to learn in each situation to constantly filter my thoughts in this way, so I was allowing myself to think light and be light. 
The next time you are struggling with thoughts of feelings that move you from a place of peace and power: 
1. Remind yourself of what is true out loud- you have to remember that you are competent, capable and deserving of good. You are not defined by a moment, you can say “no” I don’t agree with that or “that’s not true” it can even be a simple “no” but you have to insert truth in the moment gently and with love for yourself and others.
2. Honor an action that you took that set a boundary or left a positive impact- you don’t have to live according to anyone’s expectations or obligations. You owe it to yourself to set a boundary that leaves an understanding, this can look like saying no thank you to participating, or even saying that what someone is doing or how they are engaging with you doesn’t align with or reflect your values, or how you want to spend your time/energy/resources. 
3. Give a praise or prayer for not electing an outcome that didn’t build or bless- you are worthy and deserving of celebrating your wins. When you remind yourself of the fact that you maintained and honored yourself in how you handled the situation, and even thanking the Lord for giving you the opportunity to set a boundary and reflect your worth it’s a moment you should acknowledge. 
I encourage you to find a way that helps these work for you. Your path and progress don’t have to look like anyone else’s path, and there is no need to be hard on yourself as you are learning to think light so you can be light. Surrender to the Lord God and remember to give yourself a chance to be present, and put into practice what you are learning and celebrate where you are growing. 
May that Lord God bless you as you walk in purpose and power. 

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