False Evidence Appearing Real

A volcano is a mountain. I always find this fascinating because when you look at a mountain and volcano you see two very different things, but geologically they share similarities. Things are not always as they appear, and you can’t let what you see be all you use to make decisions. This truth stuck with me after my husband and I hiked Diamond Head in Hawaii in 2020. 
Diamond Head’s geological history is impressive and the natural beauty of the area is truly breathtaking. However, none of that stopped me from feeling a little trepidatious about being in the middle of a collapsed volcanic mountain almost 500 feet above sea level. As we climbed I had to keep reminding myself that what I saw wasn’t all there was to this place. There were entire processes that happened to make Diamond Head what it was, and that needed to be acknowledged, but that shouldn’t stop me from moving forward and reaching my end goal which was to reach the top. 
Fear is easy to feed, it requires very little to grow and so quickly takes over the most rational spaces in our minds and has the ability to magnify even the smallest doubt. Sometimes we rationalize feeding fear by choosing emotion over reason. This happens when we  understate or completely ignore truth, and when we don’t take a moment to step back to see the pieces that make the bigger picture. It can also happen when we respond in a rush and  fail to recognize our position in relation to the Lord God’s power. Seeking the bigger picture helps us to remember that nothing happens in isolation, but all things work together to reveal the will and purpose of the Most High God for your good and His glory (Romans 8:28).
Emotions can be the catalyst for all types of responses we have, good and bad; but when we allow our emotions to determine what we perceive we’re more than likely sure to end up on the wrong side of reality. So how do we keep false evidence from appearing real? Yah’s Word tells us to seek and not just see (Matthew 6: 25-34). When we seek the kingdom of God in a situation first before we allow our emotions to overwhelm or feelings to grip us we give ourselves the chance to understand what is right in the situation and how we should position our response, thoughts and energy. Fear is most often the emotional response that settles as a result of recognizing what lies outside of ourselves and our own capacity. 
Have you ever tried to hang a picture or piece of wall decor without a leveler or help from someone? It can be one of the most frustrating things to attempt solo. When you’re right up on the wall you can position a nail, screw or tac and think it’s in a good position and that whatever you’re planning to put up will hang just right. So you hang it then step back, and that’s when you notice it’s slightly off to the left or tilted ever so, or even just not where you intended. The whole process requires both patience and attention to detail for positioning so you get the desired look.
That’s how it is with us and fear. When you encounter a situation that wants to immediately move you to react out of emotion, rather than responding from a balanced place that fixes your thoughts and energy on seeking rather than just seeing we can end up off from where we intended to be. Seeking is the process of stepping back, taking a breath and asking the Lord God to show you how to level yourself in relation to the situation so you hold the position of power you’ve been given. Seeking will reveal where your energy should go, what should be the priority and then gives you clarity to ask the Lord God for the wisdom to move in the right way. The result of seeking the kingdom first, ensures that everything else falls into place in a purposeful way according to Yah’s will, and silences the lie that you’re powerless. This is why in Matthew 6 we are instructed to not allow our sights to be fixed on anything other than using our energy and efforts for today to sow into ourselves the goodness we need and to build around us in a way that reflects our values, truth and and righteousness. 

Lord God of Vision and Purpose,
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to see that you are intentional and good about everything that concerns me. I desire to come into the awareness and understanding that you have not given me a spirit of fear, and that I don’t have to react to situations from an emotional place that keeps me from seeking you. I receive the gift of truth that you have given me the spirit of love, power and a sound mind, and I choose today to acknowledge that gift and I want to hold it and use it to power my responses to the circumstances and situations I face today and everyday. I reject the spirit of fear and failure that come from not understanding that you are taking care of me and my tomorrow. I now know that you want me to sow into myself and others today to reflect truth, love and righteousness. Fill me with your spirit and wisdom today so that as I walk in the way you have set before me, I seek you with my whole heart. I commit today to purposely set my sights on honoring you in how I respond, I will not rush to react or allow myself to moved from my position of power which you have given me, but instead I will prioritize according to what sows goodness for myself and builds others around me. Thank you for your love, mercy and truth as I embody and embrace this new truth and receive fully the gift of salvation you’ve give me through your Son. In the name of Jesus, I pray.


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