Trust Your Gut

You have all the time you need. It’s a simple statement and depending on where you are in your life or season you either agree or disagree with the statement. About three years ago, I took my first tennis lesson. It was a little unnerving but also exciting. I envisioned myself as a natural Venus or Serena, and thought I would show up on the court and everything would come with ease.
I lied to myself.
Not only did it not come easy, but I struggled to time the ball so that I could respond like how I’d been taught and shown. My frustration grew with each failed swing. My instructor, Musa, sensed my agitation with the session, told me not to rush my approach and reassured me that I had all the time I needed. His words echoed in my mind and settled, I breathed.  As the session went on I found my rhythm. I was able to anticipate when to approach and swing as the ball bounced up to volley it back across the net. My heart will be forever grateful to Musa for his wisdom. His words playback in my mind on the regular, especially when the days seem to be shorter than my tasks, or if I start to allow what’s happening around me to blur my vision and impress on my peace. 
We have all the time we need. The Lord God of purpose reminds us of this truth in Ecclesiastes 3, Psalm 31 and Colossians 4. Our time on Earth is a well thought out and planned gift from the Creator. In Psalm 139, we are shown by the Lord God that all of our days are numbered. When the Lord God of ordination set out our days He ensured that we’d have all the time we needed to accomplish the purpose and call of our lives. 
Often we can find it difficult to trust ourselves and understand that we have all the time we need. For many of us, frustrations arise from looking at how time tells our story. Sometimes we even ask ourselves where did the time go? We may look over our lives and not see all the accomplishments we’d hoped for, or our impact isn’t as expansive as we thought it’d be. This kind of discontentment can be the basis for all kinds of feelings like sadness, depression, resentment and even envy. 
So how do we get to the place where we trust our gut to recognize and honor the time we have?  
See The Season:
Ecclesiastes 3 tells us that we must see the season. For everything there is a season and a time, when we understand that the season we are in is for a set time we can find hope in knowing that where we aren’t won’t last forever. Our time speaks for itself, and if we know that the season will come to a close we should set our hearts on the good we deserve by using our time to build and sow where we are. Each season requires something different from us, and seeing the season gives us a chance to recognize what those things are and then do them. If you’re in a season with a sick family member and you’ve chosen to be a caregiver then the season may require more empathy and time. The season may require that you be the voice for that family member in medical settings or with medical professionals. If your season is taking a new position of leadership then the season may require that you are more communicative with your boundaries and stating what is needed from others. When you see the season you give yourself the chance to honor your time, and prevent becoming frustrated or discontent where we are. 
In Psalm 31, we are reminded that our times are in the Lord God’s hands, and trusting Him to protect us in the season frees us. It can be a challenge to trust that the God of all Creation is concerned about us and our time. The demands of life and the priority of our needs can convince us that we are insignificant, or that our time is frivolous to the Lord. Thinking this way is the opposite of the truth! The Lord is so concerned with everything that concerns us, especially our time. When we surrender our time and remind the Lord God of our limited human ability in the season, it opens the space for Him to teach us how to number our days and that’s how we gain wisdom ( Psalm 90:12). Numbering our days requires that we accept that we need the Lord God’s guidance and help, because with Him all things are possible. He responds to our need(s) with wisdom, His wisdom tells us where we need to best use our time, energy and resources in a day and in each season if we let it. 
Set Your Sights:
Colossians 4 and Ephesians 5 help us to understand how we learn to trust our gut for our own good. In every season we have to set our sights on where we are going. Knowing that each season comes to an end we can ground ourselves in hope and focus on setting a goal that will best reflect our values and honor our time, so that when the season comes to an end we have a sense of pride in the story our time tells. Our time also tells how we’ve sown and built for our good, and then the good of others. The Lord God desires that we make the most of our time. It delights him when we establish a goal before Him and work to fulfill our goal. When we honor our plans with our time the Lord God blesses our efforts and rewards us through His faithfulness. 
Trust today that you have all the time you need to give yourself the grace and space to be good to yourself. Trust your gut, see the season and set your sights on going after your purpose!

Lord God of Predestination and Order,
I am so grateful for the opportunity to know that you put so much intention and purpose when you designed me. Thank you for numbering my days and desiring for me to live out my purpose and call. I understand that you have given me the gift of time so that my life tells a story about where I used my energy and built around myself to be a blessing. My father in Heaven, thank you for coming into the understanding that I need to trust myself and what you’ve placed within me to accomplish my plans and reach my goals. I receive the gift of time and desire to honor you and the time I have by surrendering to your wisdom and guidance to lead me. I choose to be hopeful in this season knowing that you have a plan and purpose for where I am right now. Starting today I will set my sights on sowing the good I know I deserve. I will not allow discontentment or frustration to impress on my peace or keep me from doing what I know I need to do in this season, because I know I deserve my best. Thank you for loving me and seeing me. Starting today, I will trust myself, and give myself the opportunity to see you in every moment. Lead me in your truth and wisdom, and guide me by your love so that I walk confidently in the direction of my hope and purpose in this season. By the power and blood of your son I receive all you have promised and predestined for me. Thank you for your love, mercy and truth as I embody and embrace this new truth and receive fully the gift of salvation you’ve give me through your Son. In the name of Jesus, I pray.


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