Protect Your Peace

Have you ever wished for the ability to stop time for just a moment? There are times when we all feel overwhelmed, or have the feeling that the demands of the world and day require more than we have to give. It can be a challenge to settle your mind and spirit enough to see the good in each moment of the day and to let peace be the motivation and truth we hold. 
Peace is one of those values that can be elusive. It can even be puzzling or tricky and feel foreign at the slightest manifestation in our day or environment. Those are the moments where the quiet sets in and leaves you feeling uncertain or uneasy; but, the reality is that peace is a gift from the Most High God and intended for us so that we see ourselves and the world through eyes of confidence, assurance and comfort. This is what the Messiah shares with us when He says “peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you.Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid“(John 14:26–27).
Peace is a by product of our position and purpose. Our position, the places and spaces carved out for us to stand in (where we work, where we live, where we engage with others) was purposely designed to give us the opportunity to shine, so we have the goodness we deserve and share with others. Your position is meant for you, and doesn’t require you to be anything or anyone other than you. Knowing that you don’t have to manage everyone or everything is freeing. There is a peace that comes from just owning you. When your position is to just be you, there is a solace in not having to be anyone’s solution or carry burdens not meant for you to bear. 
When we stand in the places carved out for us by the Lord God who is the Creator of all things we have an opportunity to live out our purpose. Your purpose is what you were equipped to do to impact and make a difference in the spaces carved out for you. It is how you share your gifts, talents and time to connect with people. When you shine it multiplies your impact and leaves a mark that you were there. YOU were present in a moment so that someone was blessed by the good you gave. Walking in your purpose brings the comfort and satisfaction of a job well done; there is peace that comes from living your purpose.
You were made to have and hold peace. There are two types of peace: 1) peace from quiet, 2) peace of mind. Peace from quiet is conditional (environmental) while peace of mind is positional (internal) and transcends situations. Isaiah 26:3 speaks to both of these and so does Psalm 23. 
Protecting your peace means that you must choose the environments that build and bless you, and that give you the timing, space and opportunities to be unmovable in who you are. 
What does that look like? How do we create the environments and give ourselves the space to be in peace and at peace? 
1. Set your sights on who you want to be- let your actions, use of your time and resources reflect the truth of what you see for yourself and who you want to be. See yourself as whole, as deserving, as capable and work towards doing what allows you to become the best version of yourself for yourself. 
2. Set your boundaries- your boundaries are for you and should reflect what you value, your boundaries should be three dimensional- who you are, where you stand, and what you do. Setting boundaries means that position yourself to be built and blessed by where you are and who you engage with.
3. Set your intentions- whatever you intend on doing is what you will do. Sometimes we end up in places and situations that steal our peace without realizing that’s what we set out to do. A lack of vision and boundaries can keep us from being in peace and at peace. When you plan and purpose your time on tasks and goals it helps you to remain steadfast and in peace, because you can gauge how your time is being spent and where your energy is going.
You got this! Move forward in confidence and power as you protect your peace!

Heavenly Father Lord God of Peace and Wholeness,
I am so grateful for the gift of peace. I thank you for desiring peace for me and giving it to me as a by product of my position and purpose in you.  Thank you for loving me enough to allow me to surrender to you what moves me and trust in you that you’ll plant me in spaces and places where I have the opportunity to shine, and to build and be blessed.  I understand that protecting my peace is important, and starting today I choose to actively work to be in peace and at peace, knowing that you have granted peace to me because you want me to be the best version of myself for myself. In every moment today I will set my sights on who I know I am in you, I will set boundaries that reflect what I value and honor me, and I will be intentional with my time, resources and energy. I will not allow people, places or things to move me from being in peace or at peace because I know that is not your will for me. Lead me in purpose and power so that I can stand confidently and boldly in the peace you’ve given me. By the power and blood of your son I receive your peace, and thank you for both internal and external peace that belongs to me in you. Thank you for your love, mercy and truth as I embody and embrace this new truth and receive fully the gift of salvation you’ve give me through your Son. In the name of Jesus, I pray.

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