No Small Feats

It used to be believed that the flight motion of bees was physically and aerodynamically impossible. Scientists thought that the shape and size of the body of a bee was not made to have the capacity to fly in the way it did. Science has since proven, that the motion and flight of bees is remarkable, but not for the reasons originally thought. Bees hoover like helicopters by flapping their wings up and down, a manner of insect flight that is not conventional. The most remarkable part of bee flight is that “a bumblebee’s wings do not carry the insect through the air. It is the motion of the wings that creates a vortex, and the bees are carried by that air beneath their bodies” ( 2023). What an amazing feat, and a part of creation worth marveling at!

Do you ever stop during the day and marvel at the things you’ve been able to do or found yourself a part of? There are no small feats! Everything you’re able to accomplish is worth a marveling at and celebrating, because they are a part of the purpose of your creation. Every day is a win! It can be hard to believe and accept the reality that every day you’re alive is a check in your win column. The challenges of life, disappointments of people and struggles that we all endure have a way sneaking in and stealing the sense of accomplishment we should have from successfully navigating life, and making it out on top to see another day. 

Think about it, there are so many tiny miracles that have to exist in perfect succession for you to be alive and where you are right now. You were specially crafted to overcome, and to begin and end each day with victory. The Living God has spoken over every day you were made to live and designated wins that are specific and essential to you and your path, “For the LORD your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory” (Deut 20:4). Each time you encourage yourself, stay motivated to accomplish your task(s) for the day, connect with someone and share a moment, or even you just get out of the bed for the day is win and victory worth acknowledging and celebrating. 

Conquering and celebrating your wins is an essential part of walking in your power and purpose. When we take time each day to recognize what we are doing that serves our good and honors our time, peace and efforts we become more motivated to continue doing the things that bless us. Romans 8 reminds us that we were made to be conquerors in each day because of the love and intention of the Living God. Being a conqueror looks different for everyone, but no matter what it looks or what it takes for you to be a conqueror in your day it matters and is worth celebrating. For some of us, conquering in our day means being intentional about where we give our voice and not participating in conversations that diminish or leave us with a sense of wholeness. For others it can be deciding how to best prioritize tasks and time so that there are healthy boundaries to be present; or it can look like  being motivated to be physically active for our own health and good. 

What does it mean to celebrate your wins? What should it even look like? An easy acronym I use is AHA! Acknowledge, Honor and Accept; acknowledge, that you have talents and gifts that are valuable and beneficial to the places and people you choose to share them with; honor, the best of who you is reflected by how you speak about yourself and what you believe about yourself don’t diminish your time or efforts; accept, see the moments and be present so that what you do has the opportunity to exist as a distinct and purposed space in time.  It can be a challenge to get to the space where your time and efforts get the celebration they deserve. Sometimes it can feel unnatural to let our efforts and actions be highlighted or mentioned with a compliment or with sense of marvel. The more you practice being aware of where you’re showing up, and how your time and efforts are making an impact the easier it becomes to marvel and to see the work of the Living God in you and through you. Remember there are no small feats! 

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